Posted by: rojukene | veebruar 1, 2006

I still dream about my grandfather’s house

Crap. I thought I’d get some peace from it now but apparently I was mistaken.

It is snowing heavily outside and I have no wish whatsoever to leave my room. To think of it – I’d better not, I’m a walking-talking disaster today. For example, I was just cleaning the coffee machine with vinegar and when I poured in the rinsing water, I spilt quite some of it on the table. I missed the toaster by millimetres x_X Of course it was switched on.

Oh joy. Anyway, I can:
* read
* take out the sewing machine and finish my trousers (the ones I’m never going to wear, I suppose)
* solve some Japanese puzzles which I have plenty of at the moment
* try to clean the room (it’s OK to laugh here)
* write something
* make myself a sign such as this


Kiri endale

Tavaline naine tavalise nimega
Tavalised pained, tavalised pimedad
Ümberringi ümber käivad
Ümber istuvat nad näivad

Tavalisest naisest tavatu kord saab
Tavaline paine talle ikka jääb
Ümber ega üle ei iseendast saa
Ümbrikule kirjutad: puudub adressaat

(01.II ’06, © Rojukene)

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